2 Weeks & Going Strong

I’ve barely noticed that 2 weeks has even passed.  If it had been a diet, believe me…I would have noticed, but no meat hasn’t even phased me one bit.

How I approach eating out or how I pack my lunch is a new challenge, but they’re minor bumps on the path compared to the bigger picture.

Highlights and Discoveries

:: glancing back::

My newly found loves – polenta and risotto.

My insane addiction to Trader Joe’s Veggie Masala burgers which can be eaten for any meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner and Trader Joe’s Butternut Squash in a Bag which is my all-time favorite side dish – yummm :op

My Blueberry/Pineapple/Almond Milk breakfast smoothies ^-^

My first attempt of an Indian dish – Vegetable Korma – which came out surprisingly well considering I dabbed into spices unbeknownst to me.

Looking Forward To

Making Blueberry Spinach Smoothies for me and my husband this week

Trying Quinoa for supper one night

My first Thanksgiving as a married woman

2 Weeks to India


10 Days Down And I Haven’t Missed Meat A Bit

Baby ChickNot exactly what sure came over me after 29 years of life, but I’m feeling better than ever.

I’m not sure why I didn’t take action sooner! I’ve always been super sensitive to the harming of animals, but have blindly continued to eat the diet I’ve been raised to eat.

If quitting meat now means saving thousands of tiny animals before I die, I’m 100% committed.

It’s never too late to make the change…the transition has been done before time and time again.