Wow…Incredible Thanksgiving Morning…

Wake up…feeling splendid almost as if it’s my faux Christmas as I’ll be missing the one here – anxious to get to my parents, gorgeous snowy day and that warm nostalgic feeling you get on a holiday from all the warm fuzzy memories of the past.

White Thanksgiving Day

White Thanksgiving Day

Then, I set foot in the kitchen. A simple feat as I’m not cooking an ounce on this feastful day to tidy up the place. Next thing you know, the screw on life of my new airtight Aladdin thermostat for my smoothies is being devoured by the garbage disposal.

Screw On Lid

Screw On Lid That Looks Like a Dog Chewed On It

Just great, just great. $20 and 4 days of use and the big wonderful thermos is useless…heartbreaking

More importantly, I have the stars and the sky to be grateful on this beautiful day.  

I’m thankful for my sweet, wonderful husband that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

I’m thankful for the most loving, supporting family in the world.

I’m thankful for my health, my education and my career.

I’m thankful I’ve been given the opportunity to lead this incredible life.